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Care Concept Welcome to Germany Stipendium - Yulias sixth report


Yulia After finishing with classes and assignments for the summer semester, I had time to travel and enjoy summer for full. I have been to Spain, where there was extremely hot weather, and then cooled down visiting my homeland - Russia. It is not easy to get there now, without direct flights - I had a way by plane, bus and train through Finland, but I think meeting family and friends after half a year is worth it. 

Yulia And in Spain I have swam in the sea, which felt like boiling soup, and have been traveling around small old towns not far from the coast. Once, my friend and I saw in the news a story about a church sunken in the river. Because of overheated weather, the river dried up and crowds of tourists were visiting this church. We decided to visit it too, and went to the town called Vic where the road to the drowned river started. But on that day there was unpredictable rain, so we had to cancel the idea about visiting church, and just walked around the town, which was also worth seeing. But we had a feeling of an unfinished walking goal, and just opened google maps and found a mark at the hill nearby. We walked there, and discovered a very beautiful path in the hills perfect for 1 hour hiking. The path brought us to an amazing bird's eye view of the landscape around Vic. I was surprised that this place is not touristy, it felt like we had discovered a treasure by ourselves, which is even more pleasant than visiting popular tourist places.

Job and plans

Yulia In this semester I was lucky to find part-time work in Germany as a video-editor in an IT-company. I have been surprised that it is not very complicated to find a job while you are a student in comparison to how it was for me in my home country. When I did my bachelor in Russia and after graduation, job search took around 4-6 months for me,and employers usually didn’t care a lot that you are combining work with studies. In Germany I was lucky to get a job invitation in the 4th company where I applied, and the company which I work for has a very understanding attitude towards working students, stressing that studies are the highest priority for us now.

At my new work I am improving my video-editing skills and getting experience to work in an international team. I will need both of these skills in the next semester, starting in October. I am going to do my master-thesis in it, which includes the practical part. I am planning to create a youtube channel. I always had an idea to do it, but there was not enough time, but now I have found extra motivation doing it as a part of a diploma project.

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