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Care Concept “Welcome to Germany” Scholarship

StipendienA semester abroad without financial worries! - With the Care Concept Welcome to Germany scholarship

Are you from abroad and would like to spend time in Germany during your studies, but don't have the financial means to do so? Then you've come to the right place! We are the missing piece of the puzzle.

ScholarshipHow you apply

With the Care Concept scholarships, you will receive a monthly grant of 300 euros. In return, you will send us a creative vlog and three short video sequences every month. The application process takes place on social media. This is how you take part:

  1. post your application video (vlog) on your Instagram account and
    • use the #CCAGScholarship under the video (make sure your account is not private) and tag us
    • follow us on Instagram
    • like our pinned post about the scholarship and tag two of your friends below it
  2. if your application video convinces us, we will contact you via Instagram
  3. after we have contacted you, we will send you our online form, which you send back to us until latest August 26, 2024
  4. we will let you know in September whether our jury has chosen you.

You can find the conditions of participation here: Conditions of participation Care Concept Welcome to Germany Scholarship

ScholarshipWhat do we offer you?

Our Care Concept Welcome to Germany Scholarship consists of a monthly financial support, applies to students from abroad in Germany and includes:

  • Monthly funding of 300 euros
  • Funding period: 6 months
  • Start of funding: October 2024

ScholarshipWhat should you bring with you?

Are you active on social media and enjoy vlogging? No matter if it's Instagram or TikTok - the important thing is that you feel at home in the digital world and enjoy interacting with other people. Above-average grades are not important to us.

We want to share your experiences with our subscribers and customers. You should therefore be willing to report on your experiences in Germany once a month. To do this, you will send us a creative vlog every month in which you talk about your studies and your everyday life in Germany, as well as three short video sequences for our Instagram story. The vlog must be one minute long and 1080 x 1920 pixels in size (reel & TikTok format). You should be visible on the vlog. In addition to the vlog, you will send us a picture of you that we will use as the cover image. You also agree to shoot/create a one-time final video as a summary of the last 6 months at the end of the scholarship. Please make sure that the image and video rights are secured and that you do not use any images or videos from the internet! We will then publish your video reports on our Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and website, for example. You should also be able to identify with our values such as honesty, helpfulness and tolerance and live by them.

Here is an overview of all the requirements:

  • Age: 18 - 35 years
  • Study: all subjects, at least second semester
  • Proven practicability of the stay abroad
  • Willingness to produce a monthly vlog and three short videos as well as a final video
  • Good knowledge of German or English
  • Activity in social networks (Instagram and TikTok)

StipendienWho are we?

For over 20 years, Care Concept AG has been the specialist for international health insurance for German and Austrian people abroad, people from abroad in Europe and worldwide travelers. In addition to solutions for students and language students, we also offer products for long-term travelers, au pairs, professionals and medical staff from abroad, business travelers and guests from abroad.

Download information on the Care Concept Welcome to Germany Scholarship here.

Do you have any questions?

No problem! Our marketing team will be pleased to help you. You can reach us by e-mail or by phone at +49 228/97735-697.

StipendienThis is our winner for the Care Concept Welcome to Germany Scholarship in the winter term 2023.

Congratulations to the winner and thanks to all finalists and of course to the other participants.

Beyza will study Learning Sciences at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU). Find out what Beyza experiences here every month.

StipendienThese are the former winners of the Care Concept Welcome to Germany scholarships:

















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