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ERASMUS+ helps you with the exchange program for the semester abroad

For most people, a semester abroad is more than just a dream - it is almost part of the "curriculum". The financing of studying abroad always plays an important role. Many thousands of German students go abroad every year and use the support of various programs, one of the best known is ERASMUS+.

ERASMUS+ is an EU programme that particularly promotes the vocational training of young people in Europe. The exchange between cultures and the learning of foreign languages are particularly important - your achievements from courses abroad will be directly recognised for your studies in Germany and you will significantly improve your career opportunities later on.

Who can apply for an ERASMUS+ grant?

Erasmus target group who can applyERASMUS+ is aimed at students who are currently enrolled at a German university, who have already completed their first academic year, who want to complete their semester abroad in one of the 34 participating EU programme countries, and whose university is an official participant in the ERASMUS+ programme.

What exactly does the funding look like?

Erasmus Förderung Leistungen financial support which you do not have to pay back and which does not affect your BAföG - so you can get both at the same time. Another big advantage –there are no tuition fees at the partner university abroad.

The amount of your monthly support depends on the country you are going to - currently it is between 300 Euro and 420 Euro. You can find an overview of the countries on the DAAD website.

As a student, you can apply for up to 36 months of support - the application is made directly to your home university. You can apply for funding for a maximum of 12 months for each stage of your studies (Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral studies). The individual stays abroad should last at least 3 months and a maximum of 12 months. A denomination is also possible - for example, two times 6 months in the Bachelor's programme. You can also use the support for an internship - you can apply at the same time or one after the other.

You can usually find all the information you need on the website of your university. There is an ERASMUS+ contact person for you on site - usually in the International Office of your university.

Health insurance Erasmus semester abroad

Krankenversicherung Erasmus Auslandssemester

or your studies abroad you definitely need a health insurance, also with the ERASMUS grant. This is the only way to be well insured in the event of an emergency or illness. The German statutory health insurance funds only reimburse treatment costs within the EU at the level that would have been incurred in Germany.

Return transport to Germany is not covered. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take out an additional foreign health insurance that covers treatment costs and return transport. We have developed Care College product especially for students - here you can choose from different levels. Find the right health insurance for your semester abroad by simply entering a few details in our tariff finder below. The Care College tariff starts at 28 EUR per month.

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International Offices

If you have questions about the semester abroad or about recognition, IOs can help you.

Semester abroad

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