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After school

Student Exchange in Germany

Even if you still go to school, you have the opportunity to spend some time in Germany—with a student exchange program. The advantage of this is that, even as a student you can improve your German enormously. In addition, you can get a good impression of life in Germany and German culture. So you know early on whether you can imagine studying in Germany at a later point in time.

>What is a student exchange program?What is a student exchange program?

With a student exchange program you go to a German school for a certain period of time, e.g. half a year or an entire year, and take part in normal classes there. You will generally stay with a host family. In this way you have the chance to experience Germany and ist culture up close and personally.


High School Year

Student exchange programs are carried out by specialized organizations. These organizations coordinate your school placement, find a host family for you and oversee all visa procedures if you are not from the European Union. Mandatory health insurance coverage in Germany is also often included in the price. But be careful: a comparison is worthwhile, because insurance can often be disproportionately expensive or contain only limited benefits. We also offer you alternatives for your health insurance coverage during a student exchange in Germany.


The best way to find out the exact requirements is to contact the organization of your choice. There are often age restrictions. Certain basic knowledge of the German language is also required, as you attend classes at a normal school, which take place in German.

How much does a student exchange program in Germany cost?How much does a student exchange program in Germany cost?

A student exchange program is certainly an experience that you won't forget your whole life and through which you can acquire valuable linguistic and cultural skills. Such a program in Germany, however, can be very expensive because the organization usually charges fees for the placement and all necessary coordination. You will also need some pocket money, as the cost of living in Germany is not inexpensive.

Student exchange health insuranceStudent exchange health insurance

Student exchange health insurance

Your parents have to take out a health insurance for you for the student exchange in Germany, so that you are covered for doctor's visits and hospital stays in Germany. abgesichert bist. We have developed a special product for student exchange, the Care College . Even if you want to study in Germany later, Care Concept has the right solutions for you.

Language course in Gemany

Speaking of language skills: Have you ever thought about a language course in Germany?

Au pair

What better way to get to know German culture, learn German language and discover Germany than living in a host family in Germany as an au pair?


Gain work experience and get to know languages and Germany at the same time? That sounds good to you? Then why not do a Work'n'Travel in Germany?

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