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Care Concept World Scholarship: Saskia's 7th report: new every-day-life in isolation

World Scholarship report saskianew every-day-life in isolation

Visiting the veterinarian during CoronaWhat a time to be alive! Like so many other people right now, I have been living as isolated as possible for the past two months. There is a new every-day-life that I am used to now, consisting of work, sports and if the weather permits, taking walks outside. I am really glad that walking outside was always permitted here, because this time in nature does make a huge difference to me during this challenging times.

When planning my routes, I of course always make sure not to run into many people. Through this strategy I discovered some nice hidden places that not many people seem to know about, allowing me to watch deer, all kinds of rodents and rare birds. My family sends me pictures from Austria, showing a lot of green and flowering going on there. In the meantime, trees just started budding here and flowers grew only recently, but even here spring seems to have arrived.

World Scholarship report saskiaVisiting the vet during the Corona crisis

Job prospects after scholarshipWe had to take our cat to the vet, because of troubles with her teeth. The car ride there was truly fascinating for her. Due to Corona measurements we weren’t allowed to enter the animal hospital and so we had to hand our cat to the staff in the parking lot. Inside, they took blood and examined her and indeed, she needs to have some teeth pulled. This will be done in the beginning of May however. Every pet owner will know that you suffer with your pet when they are ill or are in pain. We just hope that she will be better soon.

World Scholarship report saskiaBack to the lab soon?

When exactly I can continue my work here is unknown. Some people speculate that this might be possible by the end of May or beginning of June, but nobody knows for sure. I am trying my best of course to work and study from home. Nevertheless, I miss being in the lab and doing experiments. We will continue observing and evaluating the further developments regarding Covid19 and maybe we will be able to stepwise open labs in a responsible manner sometime soon.

World Scholarship report saskiaGood news

When does the home office endLast time I mentioned, that I started looking for jobs in cancer research for when my time here at Yale ends. I have some good news regarding this matter, as I already got a position at a very famous cancer research institute in New York City, starting in fall. I am super excited, as the project I am going to work on there is extremely interesting and I will be able to continue research on new cancer therapies.

Saskia's reportsSaskia's reports

Saskia's report no. 1: What I actually do here in the USA
Saskia's report no. 2: Saskia's work at Yale School of Medicine
Saskia's report no. 3: Tour of the laboratory
Saskia's report no. 4: Home visit over Christmas
Saskia's report no. 5: Plans for the future
Saskia's report no. 6: Current situation in the USA
Saskia's report no. 7: New every-day-life in isolation
Saskia's report no. 8: Yale Campustour
Saskia's report no. 9: Where to begin? What a month!
Saskia's report no. 10: Moving day to New York City
Saskia's report no. 11: The first weeks in New York City
Saskia's report no. 12: Farewell


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